Saturday 15 August 2015

Inspiration comes in all forms

I went to the Bendigo Writers Festival with one goal, well two actually, but one major goal and that was to meet the legendary, Australian author that my sister and I read constantly growing up and who inspired me to get fit and try acting, just because I wanted to bring his art to life. Although I didn’t pursue acting straight up, I did get fit. But back on track, I went there with the goal of doing an extra elective and meeting the legendary author John Marsden.

I would like to speak about how great it was to hear John Marsden talk all day and say how amazing and inspiring he was, but I am going to save that for another time and right now I am going to talk about the author and illustrator I had never heard of and how inspiring they are and how talented they are.

I will start with Alice Pung, author and lawyer who was up on the stage with John Marsden and host Sue Gillett during session ‘Crossing Over’. Sue asked creative and inquisitive questions and the answers came flowing. Alice sat there with her legs crossed, head bowed and hands clasped on her lap. She spoke quietly, confidently and sweetly.  I had never heard of Alice but I liked what she had to say. Her books draw on her experiences of growing up in her neighbourhood with her refugee parents. Alice teaches writing workshops, she is an ambassador for the ‘100 Story building Project’ an initiative that promotes literacy and literature to young people in the Western suburbs. Truly an inspiration to myself, she has encouraged me to try and achieve more and help people.

The Bendigo Writers Festival not only focussed on authors it also displayed some art work from one of the most talented illustrators I have had the opportunity to meet. Bruce Whatley is a very talented artist, what I love most about his work is not all of his pictures look the same. Sometimes his pieces look completely different to other pieces he has created; he is truly a versatile artist. Bruce started out in advertising as an art director and illustrator before publishing his first picture book in 1992 and since has had over 60 other books published. It is an impressive feet, but what is truly admirable about Bruce is ability to sketch and paint left handed.  I was blown away by the incredible and intricate work he created with his left hand. His teacher had encouraged him to work with his left hand at a very young age but Bruce chose to ignore that advice until 20 years or so later and he hasn’t looked back since. He has the ability to use both his left hand and right hand for the same pieces of work explains how all of his art looks so different from one piece to another.  Many aspiring illustrators were there to get inspired by Bruce as was I, although I am not an aspiring illustrator, I do enjoy creating art and his work was just as inspiring to me as it was to the illustrators around me.

Well done to the Bendigo writers Festival for not forgetting that writing is more than just words and for including incredible and passionate illustrators as well. Although these artists were unknown to me, they are now my newest means for inspiration.

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